best places to visit in Mississippi

1 Vicksburg National Military Park 

Vicksburg National Military Park

Vicksburg National Military Park Ron Cogswell Share:

Amid the Civil, War Vicksburg was a thistle in the substance of the Union powers, since from that point the Confederates controlled dispatching on the stream. After a few unsuccessful endeavors to take the town, Union troops, ordered by General Grant, at long last caught it in 1863 following a 47-day attack. Its fall was one of the bitterest annihilations of the Confederates. These occasions are celebrated in the Vicksburg National Military Park and Cemetery. It was a standout amongst the most conclusive clashes of the Civil War. More than 1,300 landmarks and markers, remade trenches, and the Vicksburg graveyard are found inside these limits.

Official site:

2 Gulf Islands National Seashore 

Bay Islands National Seashore

Bay Islands National Seashore Share:

The Gulf Islands National Seashore reaches out from Cat Island in Mississippi toward the eastern tip of Santa Rosa Island in Florida. The greater part of the seashore is really submerged yet the boundary islands offer white sand shorelines, seaside bogs, and thick sea woods. Davis Bayou is situated on the territory at Ocean Springs and can be effectively gotten to. There are climbing trails, outdoors and picnicking zones, old fortresses, and in addition other recreational open doors.

Official site:

3 Vicksburg National Cemetery 

Vicksburg National Cemetery

Vicksburg National Cemetery Ken Lund Share:

Vicksburg National Cemetery contains the graves of 17,000 Union fighters on its moving grounds. Around 1,300 veterans of different clashes since the Civil War are covered here too.

Official site:

4 Old Capitol Museum 

Old Capitol Museum

Old Capitol Museum Share:

This previous state legislative hall working in Jackson dates to the late 1830s and was being used as the state house until the begin of the 1900s. Today it works as an exhibition hall on government and equity. The historical center, allowed to people in general, is fascinating for its history, presentations, and engineering.

Address: 100 S State Street, Jackson

Official site:

5 Ocean Springs 

Sea Springs

Sea Springs Addi, with sugar on top! Share:

The town of Ocean Springs is situated around 2 miles east of Biloxi. It has turned into a safe house for craftsmen and craftspeople, with various workmanship shops and studios. The town likewise keeps up various memorable houses of worship from the late 1800s. In spite of the fact that it was significantly influenced by Hurricane Katrina, Ocean Springs has gained extensive ground in re-building up itself.

Official site:

6 Old Courthouse Museum 

Old Courthouse Museum

Old Courthouse Museum jaystout Share:

The Courthouse in Vicksburg was inherent 1858 by slaves and has seen numerous well-known individuals in history gotten through its entryways. The building is currently an exhibition hall including unique iron grillwork and southern prior to the war things.

Address: 1008 Cherry Street, Vicksburg

Official site:

7 Natchez Trace Parkway 

Natchez Trace Parkway

Natchez Trace Parkway Fifth World Art Share:

The Natchez Trace Parkway takes after the old course amongst Natchez and Nashville, utilized primarily amid the mid-1800s. Today it is a mainstream traveler course through Mississippi. Along the street are various attractions, including a pre-Columbian hill and a few chronicled destinations.

Official site:

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8 Rock and Blues Heritage Museum 

Shake and Blues Heritage Museum

Shake and Blues Heritage Museum JMazzolaa

The displays in the Rock and Blues Heritage Museum traverse the 1920's through to the 1970's. Clarksdale was picked as the area for the gallery as it is viewed as where the main shaken move record was recorded in 1951. Highlights incorporate marked photos by many Blues artists.

Address: 113 East second Street, Clarksdale

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